Saturday, January 19, 2008

Snowing Again

Cold and snowy outside. Funny, today as I was drinking out of my coffee mug I realized I did not have to check for flies swimming in it any more. You know what they say, it's the little things. I got tails docked on Jan, Dave and Rocky Balboa today. I'm giving them the night to get over the discomfort and will let them out in the flock tomorrow. I actually took a nap around mid-day, but lingered in quasi-sleep. It still helped. I got a BFL fleece picked out, washed and in the dye pot. I'm making an effort to get my fleeces done prior to the next shearing, which should be in March. I will have to work hard to get it done. I'm washing my wool in the machine now, which I've been reluctant to do since I use the same washer for clothes. My Milk Room sink drain is still not working, but the washing machine water drains outside. Don't know why I didn't think of it before works fantastically. I let it fill and stop it before it agitates. Then I put it on spin cycle and all the water drains out. Fill it again, spin it again. Much more efficient than handfuls of sopping wet wool splashing everywhere. No lambs today!! Tonight very, very, cold. Can't sleep for more than three hours without checking. What a zombie I'm going to be tomorrow...I'm watching the news about the Nevada caucus. Looks like Hillary won. What a shock. I know my son, Eric, didn't vote for her and I think AJ is an Edwards supporter. I wonder if Hillary would give the Saudis a 200 billion dollar arms package like Bushy just did? Really pissed me off when I heard that - a nation where women can't vote and people are publicly beheaded? I wonder what she would/could do for the people of upstate New York, where people live in school busses and tents with their kids, and, if they're lucky, trailers? I hope she gets a chance at breaking the ultimate glass ceiling.

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