Saturday, January 19, 2008

Early AM Saturday

Did my last barn check at midnight, set the alarm for 5 am - Bad Shepherd!! Bad Shepherd!! A barn check should have been done at 3 but this shepherd was done in. Mr. Ninety Degrees (inside joke) didn't volunteer. He is very happy about an interview he had yesterday. Some New York State folks are looking for someone to train construction teams to do energy saving insulating on poor people's homes. Makes sense - if the State is helping people pay for heat they don't want it leaking out cracks in the walls. Anyway, Matt was to give a five minute presentation (took him three weeks to get his handout and props ready) but they kept him over two hours. Looks good for a second interview. I told him not to get cocky and to keep looking for other options. I know from personal experience - they might hire a 22 year old soccer star who is willing to coach (another inside joke). I am trying to be as supportive as I can. When we moved up here (I bought the farm and paid for the move) Mr. Matt nagged me incessantly about finding a job, which I did immediately (thank you BOCES). It's great to have someone home to check for lambs, and I like being able to blow the horn when I pull in after a long day and he comes out to help me carry in the goods I bring home. But men are made to go out and slay the dragon, women should keep the home fires burning - but in our day and age - we go out and slay the dragon then go home and light up the home fires. Better check the barn again for lambs, then drink more coffee, then knit some. It's Saturday!!


  1. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Our fingers are crossed for Matt (and you)! Sounds like a perfect addition to what Dave are Matt are planning ..... maybe a new way to enter the market?! Dave has the biz name and company all registered. The guys need to talk! Oh please, please, please

    Who are the little ones you're holding still in the jug? They are so darling .

    ") jan

  2. hey maggie im working at giant still and sometimes i help rodger but i'm looking for another job so that i will have two. Can't wait to vist!!


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