Friday, January 25, 2008

No Choice

Kelly arranged the sale of some of my flock to a friend of hers. The well-to-do friend owns a 500 acre horse farm near Cortland and has a barn full of hay and corn. I can hardly stand to think about it but I want my sheep to have enough to eat. This is a fiber, not meat, home and I don't see how I can turn it down. I've put it off as long as I could, but with Matt out of work for two months...well, you know the story. My moms need hay and I don't have it. Kelly will come tomorrow and get them with her trailer so it's over quickly.


  1. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Maggie, I am so sorry you have to make this change. I'm sure the owners of the horse farm will take very good care of all the new family that comes to live with them. If a group goes at once, won't they all be able to comfort each other and help them ease into the new surroundings? I hope so. As hard as this is, you're doing the right thing - for all involved. And with Kelly having arranged the move, you can rest easy knowing they will not become dinner, but be happy. Remember, you are still a great shepardess and are still working the earth and living a part of a lifestyle that is too fast disappearing. With luck, you won't have to worry about hay again - it'll be just across the street. Hang in there sweety .......


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