Saturday, January 26, 2008

Down Ten Lambs

Kelly and Steve came to get the ten lambs. I shouldn't be in the sheep business. It was like seeing my children go out the door. Kelly had a bale of hay in the back of her mini-van and the sheep started chowing down right away. They will stay in Kelly's back yard in South Otselic for a week and then go to join the flock at the horse farm in Cortland. I gave her five ewe lambs, four wethers and one intact ram lamb, but he is the runtiest, tiniest one. Maybe with enough food to eat he'll start growing. He kept getting pushed away from the hay with my big bruisers. From the sale of these lambs I can buy ten round bales that will last a week - hopefully. We cleaned my future work room which had become a catch all for all the apartment overflow - what a mess with tools, painting supplies, fiber, fabric, plastic storage tubs, veterinary supplies, etc. all helter skelter. Doesn't company coming work wonders. The cleaning frenzy combined with the sale of lambs helped boost Matt's outlook on life for the better. He's decided not to pack his bags and head out for Argentina or New Zealand. He says that even with the poverty, misery and drudgery of living with me on the farm he finds me more exciting than any other woman he's been with. The poor man has really gone off the deep end...

1 comment:

  1. Maggie that really stinks you had to get rid of 10 lambs! I would you have any lambs left? well i only go for country rides with my ktty but while feed the sheep she sleeps and its her nightly wet dinner.


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