Tuesday, January 01, 2008

More Snow

Woke up to a beautiful snow. Didn't see it until a kitty ran under the Milk House outside light, tripping the sensor and there it was - a wall of white. Don't plan on going out all day. Not too cold, water not freezing in the barn yet. I want to walk through and check for lambs but decide not to disturb them and feed the kitties instead. I am working on the Milk Room, doing a bit every day. It is unfortunately the "foyer" for the barn, which happens to be my house, and every one has to walk through it to get inside. It's extremely crude, with a rough sink and old range I bought for soap and dyeing, along with the washer and dryer. Stuff is everywhere - been begging Matt for shelves for two years. The flooding from the pipe collapse has made the floor a nightmare and I'm scraping up the debris. I need to wash and dye wool but with the drain clogged I can't do much, a real problem. I'll take measurements and get the wood cut at the lumber yard and build my "nail-less" shelves like I used to do, with bricks or cinder blocks holding up the planks. It's a private place for me, and I hate when people walk through - like being caught with a really dirty kitchen - and they always look around...so I am tidying up. I'll put up some cute sheep pictures to catch their attention. I produce a lot of neat stuff but everything I do is very messy. "The creative mind is seldom a tidy place." Another two hours and it should be much better. Cut out bags yesterday - will sew while watching movies, a treat for me. In the spring we'll build steps and a door going into the apartment from the driveway, a big improvement.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Happy New Year!

    What a lovely scene!

    Wish I was there to help! You know me, I love to organize and build, then look back and see a better workplace and workshop! Keep at it, it's a tough job, but you'll feel better for it!

    :) jan


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