Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Birdies in the Snow

I used to be an avid bird watcher, and I mean devoted. I've slipped a bit in recent years, but the desire is still there. The little chickadees who brave wind and ice (and my cats) to get their winter sustenance are quite an inspiration to me. And so are my kids who are all doing so well on their own. AJ starts his new job as a full time Army Chaplain for the State of Nevada tomorrow. In February he is flying to Virginia to take his officer board, having already passed the physical. He tells me he is trying for an Airborne school slot...so we will have a high flying preacher in the family. AJ is so perfect for the chaplain profession, having a very well developed sense of right and wrong, and a dedication to helping others, along with a profound religious commitment. Is this really my kid????

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:00 PM

    congrats to all...
    the chickadees, AJ, the cats, Mia, Eric and Annie and your lovely grandbabies!

    And what a lovely snowfall. Currier & Ives would be proud. Are you and Matt keeping warm? Hope so!

    hugs and kisses to all,



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