Sunday, January 13, 2008

Looking for a Blog

I was just flipping around, checking out the three or four wonderful blogs I follow on a daily basis. I am going to look for a couple more. I'm a loyal blog follower and enjoy the few I read, but I need more. Wish I could find a person more like myself, struggling to keep a fledging pig-in-the-poke farm going...but then she might have all the necessary farm equipment, a happy husband who works a steady job and loves to build cute little hay and grain feeders in his spare time when he's not catching sheep for her to work on. Her hay mow would be full of hay and her grain room would be up to the ceiling with feed. Her sheep would all have coats on and she would have a waiting list of customers for the fleeces. She would probably work part time as an adjunct history or English literature professor at the local county college where students behave, and get a dozen comments a day on her farm blog, where she would post pictures of lovely sheep and the cable knit sweaters she makes from their yarn. She would have the necessary computer skills to keep her own web site where she can post pictures of new lambs or a new knitting bag, hot off the sewing machine. She might have a booth at the Maryland Sheep and Wool festival (just received my fourth rejection letter) and have big glossy ads in all the right magazines. This fantasy blog would cause me serious envy and I would get depressed every time I read it. So maybe it's better that I don't have an on-line counterpart. But I still would like to find a blog that's kept up as faithfully as mine, with a nice mixture of craftiness, animal husbandry, farm pictures and every day angst. I'll keep looking...


  1. Anonymous8:14 AM

    there's the sweety, with food hanging out of her mouth as usual. seems that's how she always greets me; how wonderful to see her now considering how she was about a year ago, living in a basket on the oven door with the heat gently blowing on her with you rushing home every night to feed her and pray she'd made it another day. you should be proud of your love and care for all those dependent creatures. it would be wonderful to have all of those things, but then you wouldn't be a pig-in-the-poke farmer?! Some if not many of those items will come you way. The tractor hopefully within the year, some farm help, you'd go nuts if you didn't have to beat back the wild and crazy heathens in the classroom.

    I'm so sorry about the Maryland Sheep Show. I know how important that show is to you. I figure it just means your items are too wholesome and down to earth to be in a hoity-toity show. Maybe we'll just go, criticize all the vendors and not buy anything -- that'd show them what the real folks want to see and buy.

    And if there are no other blogs, content yourself that even if folks don't write comments, they look to see what you've written each day. Me? I check at least 2x a day, just to see what's happened since last I looked.

    You keep me alive ........

    :) jan

  2. Anonymous10:05 AM

    OK, so I don't comment often, but I check you out every day. I love your blog because you keep it up so well and yours is the only one that reports in daily. I am too lazy to blog, I spend too much time reading them and leaving coments occasionally. Keep up the good work. If you had everything in your dreams, you wouldn't have the time to cuddle with your babies.
    Just remember how far you have come from just last year

  3. Morning Maggie-
    Much like Michelle said, your blog has become one of my favorite stops because you are one of the rare bloggers who actually updates frequently. Here are a couple other sheepy blogs that I know of. The second one (getting stitched) has some great lambing pictures. I am not sure of rules and etiquette of linking to others blogs without permission, but I am hoping no one minds. Anna

  4. My friend in Tucson qualifies on a few of your points. She doesn't post updates every day but might if she knew someone was reading:


  5. oops, that was her website. Her blog is:


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