Friday, January 18, 2008

Knitting Like Crazy

I'm knitting my second lamb coat in three days. These life saving sweaters will be put to good use in the coming weeks. I sometimes think how my fancy angora handspun could be sold next fall at Rhinebeck, but I need it now for my babies. I don't use heating lamps for fear of fire in this old barn. The sweaters are all I've got. I even took the red sweater Jan knitted for Izzy (he didn't like it and tried to rub it off on a bush - I think the other dogs made fun of him) to shrink it a bit for a lamb or kid. I hope Auntie Jan has those needles going full tilt down south in New Jersey (hint,hint!)


  1. Is there a pattern for the lamb coats anywhere??? I'm not a fancy knitter but I think I could knit something like that :)

  2. Kim! I got the books today! Thanks so much - they're wonderful! I will post the lamb sweater pattern on my blog. It's easy as pie. I appreciate it, I really do! Thanks a million!

  3. HEy maggie thanks so much for the comment i need it!! With the crap thats going on down here. I just tell myself in a coupl of years i will be leaving up there away from my troubled family.haha..Well i hope i can come up and vist again.And thank you for starting me in my livestock..miss you to love bye.

  4. Anonymous8:37 AM

    I'm knitting I'm knitting!

    Had a bad 2 weeks with the RA, but for whatever reason, now it's subsided and I've got the clickty-click going! I'm just going from one ball/color of the yarn you gave me to the next, so they are going to be all jazzy. I don't think the mommas will care or the little one. Keep Jan and Dave all safe and warm for us. Can't wait to see them on our next trip! Gotta go knit ......... :)

    :) jan


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