Friday, January 18, 2008

Heavy Traffic

I have a funny habit of counting the cars I pass on the way to work, or at least the second leg of the trip which is 15 miles between New Berlin and Norwich. Yesterday I passed four cars coming from the opposite direction, and today only two. I have to laugh when I think of the six packed solid lanes of route 78 in New Jersey. I found ways to skirt the highway on my way to school, using service roads, etc. but there were frequent accidents. People would desert the highway and the smaller roads would choke up for miles. Sad part is that the roads are empty here because there are not that many places for people to go to work. I saw my first bald eagle last week, over a state forest I drive through. Almost ran off the road, I was so excited. Have to pack up and head home. Three day weekend ahead and always so much to keep me busy. I had a nice compliment today. A guy-friend of mine who also moved up here from the Big City asked me if my husband appreciates me. He says is looking for someone to share the big farm he bought after retiring and is having a hard time finding the right person. Farmy girls like me are rare - who in their right mind would want all the hard work and "drama" of farm life?

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