Monday, January 21, 2008

Full Moon Manning

Last night the apt. rang with screams that went like, "HOLY SH-T!!" "OH MY GOD" "LOOK AT THAT!!!" YES!! NO!! YES!! NO!! "HOLY SH-T!" "WHAT WAS THAT!!" Fortunately his team won and Matt was in a very good mood. I took the opportunity to ask him to do the late night barn check and he happily volunteered to stay up until 1, sleep on the sofa then do another check at 3. Thank you Justin Tynes. I got up at 5 - no more lambs. Last night's baby is doing fine. It's only 3 degrees, not too bad. I get on my silkies Eric and Annie gave me for Christmas, then Mia's ski underwear, get some swallows of coffee and let the dogs out. I always check the celestial bodies. What a gorgeous full moon last night. I caught it before it went down over the other side of the valley and stood in awe. Then out to the sheep. I was worried about Jan and Dave. Poor little things, they were very confused last night when we put hay down and their mother went nuts with the rest of the sheep attacking the hay. Jan and Dave were screaming for their mom, going from sheep to sheep, and sometimes goats, looking for her. They were knocked around a bit, but seem to be okay this morning. Mom bedded down with them and there was peace in the barn. Ideally, I should have a seperate area for moms and lambs but I don't. We'll do the best we can. Let's see what the day will bring.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Now there are a couple of happy campers ......



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