Sunday, January 20, 2008


I decided to stop following Celie (CEE-lee) around and leave her alone. I knew she was going to give birth sometime soon because she was having some discharge and she kept "talking" to the other lambs. She was already in the family way. So I went in the Milk Room and spread out a monster fleece (Andrew) to skirt. The barn is a freezer, and the wind is up, and the two space heaters in the uninsulated room were barely making a dent in the cold. I worked on the fleece, pulling apart the clumps and picking burdocks out. The Milk Room kitties were delighted to have me as company and jumped on my shoulders. When my fingers were stiff I went out to find Celie. Still staring into space standing up. I tried to steer her toward a lambing pen but no deal. She darted behind the stanchions to hide under the bunny cages. And that's where I found them about two hours later. I think Celie had been in labor for 24 hours. I let her lick the baby off, so important for bonding purposes, then scooped the little one up with a towel and did my backwards bent over walk to the lambing pen. It's important to keep the lamb eye level with the mother. Got them into the pen with fresh hay underneath, a heat lamp (a rare concession to the cold - I'm terrified of fire), warm molasses water in the bucket for mom and milk in the newborn's tummy. I took care of her cord and showed her where to find the teats. Matt was hungry for dinner and wanted to get ready to watch the BIG game in Wisconsin. I am not a football fan but hey, go party. I'm going back out to the barn to do chores and check for more lambs!


  1. aw maggie so glad your having more lambs i love to see your great pictures! Wish i had a couple of lambs but i have to hope to here from you

  2. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Hi Maggie,
    I wanted you to know how much I enjoy your blog and your pictures. I don't have any sheep, but I do have a lot of bunnies for my fiber addiction. I found your blog through Greenberry where I got my first two german does. Good luck with your lambs!

  3. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Does the little one have a name yet? Can't wait to hear what it is!


  4. Anonymous8:39 AM

    I love the shot with you leaning over the pen and the animals watching the baby and mom from the other side of the fence.

  5. Thank you everyone for your comments and support during this very demanding time of year! It's great to know you are out there, receiving the bulletins that I send into cyberspace.

  6. Thank you everyone for your comments and support during this very demanding time of year! It's great to know you are out there, receiving the bulletins that I send into cyberspace.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your input!