Thursday, November 01, 2007

Taking a Breather While the News Is On

The days and nights are just not long enough. I got home in time to take the doggies out, feed the kitties who have been without food all day, call Frankenmuth to talk to John about how I can make my roving better, take pictures of roving to send to someone about a trade (it's a secret what for, but I hope to have good news soon!) pick greens for the chickens, have a word with my neighbor Chris, greet Matt who will let the sheep go and watch them graze for an hour on Jan's land, figure out what to make for dinner, make it, and now take the dogs up the hill for our nightly walk. And it's pitch black dark. Jan is coming up tomorrow and we'll have dinner out. A much needed break for me. Friday is my big night. I feel a sense of euphoria over not having to get up for work for two days. Saturday Matt and Dave Beismer are going to sheet rock my work room. The apt. water pipes are exposed in that area and must be covered before it gets much colder, or we will have a flood. A baseboard electric heater will enable me to work out there in the winter. I will move my fabric and sewing machine out there and the apt. will be much tidier. Remember, the creative mind is seldom a tidy place!

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