Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Peace in the Field

The flock is enjoying the last remnants of green before the snow flies. With the fields safe from hunters the sheep can graze peacefully. Fall lasted into December last year, with the first heavy snows coming in January. Who knows, that might have been the start of a weather trend that will do the same this year?


  1. Anonymous5:33 PM


    Those sheep and goats sure do look content! They'd better get their fill now, 'cause next spring, they are going to have to stay on your fields! Can't have them eating up our hay then!

    As long as the snow waits till at least this Sunday, I'll be happy! See you tomorrow afternoon. And yes, before dinner, we can have a margarita ...........

    ciao for now,


  2. Don't worry, Jan, I won't charge you for the manure my sheep leave on your grass!


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