Thursday, November 29, 2007

Sheep Coats

One winter activity I will be spending a LOT of time on is sewing sheep coats. Some shepherds I "met" on line have been very nice about giving me some pointers, and have even sent me pictures and patterns. Isn't that wonderful? I have not been satisfied with purchased coats and have been warned that they don't let loose when the sheep get them caught on barbed wire, etc. I was told that double knit fabric is great for sheep coats, and Jan recently tried to give me a bunch - but I let her give it to the home ec dept. at the high school. I think I will use some of the tapestry fabric I have been hoarding but don't really care for. Won't the sheep be pretty with their fancy coats on...and I will have much nicer fleeces to play with. Oh, those fine Bluefaced Leicester fleeces attract a lot of what we call in the trade, "vegetable matter."

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