Friday, November 30, 2007

Off to New Jersey

Just as the weather forecast takes a turn for the worse, I am loading up my little red truck and setting off for New Jersey to do the Delaware Riverkeeper show. It's a great little show with lots of very classy artists. I am bringing lots of cute new bags and all the soap I can squeeze into my truck. Have to get the show on the road here but first let me show off some bags. Storm coming in from the west, storm coming in from NJ coast, oh, joy, how could I be so lucky?


  1. Safe driving to you and hopefully lots of sales when you get there!
    Good luck -your bags and soap are amazing -you need to come do a show up here :) You could come visit Java and us -lots of coffee and chocolate here (grin)
    HUGS to all!!!

  2. Anonymous9:45 PM

    maggie! I want to hear and see pictures from this weekend! I love hte craft show pictures almost as the kittie pics!

    I hope to have a snow day tomorrow...if we're lucky...see you on weds...if not tomorrow will be fabulous.

    Rock on.


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