Monday, November 12, 2007

Sewing and Soaping

That is the plan for today - sew bags and make soap. I hope. One never knows on the Farm. What stay in my jammies and have the Today Show on while I work. I have been out in the barn, and outside with dogs, three times already. The washer and dryer are in the Milk Room and to get there I have to walk the Kitty Gauntlet. Whenever they see me they think FOOD, because very frequently I have food for them. Dry food is always out there, but they want their canned food with gravy, cottage cheese, fresh eggs, whatever. The kitty brigade mobs me and I have to shuffle along to avoid stepping on them. It's not too cold out. I have to get dressed and be ready for any animal situation that may arise. It's time to get my No Hunting signs out. Let's see if they are torn down again this year...

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