Monday, November 12, 2007

New Goaties

Matt went to pick up my new goaties yesterday. They were born on Pat Harder's Kid Hollow Farm in Virginia and were raised by Bonnie Lynn in southern New Jersey. Bonnie raises and shows Nubian dairy goats and thought she might like to get into fiber. It proved to be too much to do both, so she put her shearing stand and goats up for sale on the spin-sales list. I have wanted a shearing stand for years, but whenever I saw one at a show the truck was full of booth stuff. A stand will enable me to shear and care for my goats without someone holding the horns for me. The price on this used stand was decent but Bonnie did not want to sell me the stand without the goats. When I heard they came from Kid Hollow and heard the price she was asking I knew it was too good to pass up. My Freya and Flicka come from Kid Hollow and I know Pat Harder from her fabulous mohair yarn and award winning show goats. So Bonnie and her husband told us to meet them at a friend's place in Wappinger Falls, New York. Matt went to fetch them while I stayed home and worked. The goats and stand arrived and we got them settled into a corridor behind the old dairy stanchions were they will be protected and can get used to the place. I will let them go in a few days to make their own way into the flock. These were very pampered goats, and it shows. Whew! They are very chubby goaties. I thought I was the Italian mama of the sheep world, and was teased about feeding my sheep and goats to much (that was before I had hundreds!) These girls are obese! Good thing I won't be breeding them any time soon!

1 comment:

  1. Wow -look at that fiber -grin. I know nothing of goats past that but they do look stunning. How many girls did you get?? Bet Tommy boy will be happy to see them ;)
    Still think Velevet is just the cutest thing though!
    Fingers are healing slowly -have no feeling in the tips yet though -they tell me that is normal and it can take 6-8 weeks to heal -yikes!


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