Sunday, November 18, 2007

Pajama Party

It's almost nine o'clock and I'm still in my pajamas. What's wrong with this picture? It's too wonderful to be true. Two more bags on the machine, then off to the Milk Room to make soap. Have about two hours work in there to make it manageable to work in. The machine we rented didn't clear the drain and it floods every time I do wash or run the sink. It's fairly miserable. A lot of my stuff is wet and I've been avoiding cleaning it up. Today's the day. Have to salvage what I can save and shovel up the wet stuff. Matt has to dig outside to find the end of the drain. Might have to pick axe through the concrete or rent a jackhammer. I asked Chris Kupris where the drain comes out of the Milk Room (where the bulk tank used to be - hence the Milk Room) but he doesn't remember. I think his brother and the Sisters built it before their dad had a heart attack and Chris came home to run the farm. Maybe Sister Grace knows. Have to look for her car. She comes home from the convent rarely now that the garden is frozen over. It's time to start buying hay. I am already pulling hay from the pile that is my insulation over the apartment - not a good idea. Like I said, I better go make soap.

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