Sunday, November 18, 2007

Okay, I Get the Message!

I will make a sincere effort to lighten up and only put up happy, trivial posts. I don't want anyone having to get their medication tweaked on my account!

Got two more bags finished today, gosh they're cute! Off to make lavender soap! Yippee!!


  1. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I say write what you feel. It's your commentary is fine in a blog, in my opinion.

  2. Hey Maggie--

    Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke. You keep writing whatever you want--if they don't agree, they can hit the road and go read someone else's blog. Your opinions are part of what make you who you are (and they're part of what has made you three very intelligent, very successful children). So I say again--fuck 'em. Your sidebar tells them straight out: Read at your own risk. We'll have a glass of sherry when you get here...

  3. You write what you want. How people react is their issue not yours. I appreciate what you do....I have a small herd in Marana, AZ and if someone doesn't like what or how I write they don't have to read it. Everyone has if the read it, it is because they wanted I say.....write on.... Chris Size

  4. I forgot my request. My request is that you continue writing the way you do. Thanks again, chris size


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your input!