Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Deal With the Darkness

When did it get so dark? I could barely get home after doing my stops - bank, post office, market, all within a block of each other, only 10 minutes each, then got home in time to let the sheep out of the barn with the sun setting. They ran across the road and grazed in the waning daylight. I don't want them over there in the dark because I can't watch them crossing back over again and don't want them to cause an accident. Pretty soon it's going to be time to keep them in the barnyard and feed hay. So much easier when they eat what's on the ground...but that is a finite commodity with winter coming on.

AJ sent me a video on U Tube. It's really beautiful Italian music, something about his mother...but it looks like the young man is going to his mother's funeral!! I like the tribute to motherhood, but don't quite understand the relevance of the funeral, etc. Maybe AJ is trying to tell me he will miss me when I'm gone?

I had CPR and defibulator training today. It was a bit tricky, getting the right rhythm and intensity with my hands on the dummy's chest, but I finally got into it. We are supposed to sing "Staying Alive" by the BeeGees while we are doing chest compressions. What a riot. The instructor played a trick on me and turned off the power on my defibulator with his remote. I was supposed to see the low battery indicator and completely missed it. There I was yelling "clear!" and my machine wouldn't work. And then I failed the test by one question. Oh well, he let me correct my answers and passed me anyway. You don't want me to be your first responder if you have a heart attack. I would love to have one of those little defibulators here on the farm...so someone could use it on me when I keel over someday soon. I have to go take the doggies up the hill in the dark. A crescent moon is showing so I will have some light in a few nights. For now the stars are lovely...


  1. Anonymous8:56 PM

    I love the lighting of this picture! It is beautiful!

  2. mommie.. i just read this and it made me cry! when you keel over soon.. are you nuts! eat your grapefruit and blueberries.. and please stay strong! i need you!!!! so enough is enough! i love you

  3. I certainly will miss you when your gone, but no, there is no underlying message like that. A woman at church recommended the group Il Divo's cd for my mother's birthday, so I sent the youtube clip of the song 'mama.' So people can stop talking about crying and keeling over now.


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