Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Barn Kitties Romp

I can't imagine a better life for a cat than a 20,000 foot dairy barn. The hay mow has bales to play on and there are many things that go bump and scratch in the night to entertain them. We took 2,000 to make an apartment, but that hardly made a dent for the kitties as the mows remain intact. I put boxes of wool, mohair and angora up there for them to nestle in, and there is a queen size mattress for them to stretch out on. The big upper doors are closed, but there is a hole just big enough for them to squeeze through, but no dogs can fit, not even Izzy. I have seen Izzy take off to give chase to a kitty, but he stops cold at the little door hole. The cats know just how far they can safely wander from the hole. Some of the kitties are not afraid of the dogs at all and don't run - so they don't get chased. Then there are the higher status kitties who are taken into the apt. for lap time. I think they have the least fun because they are always waiting by the door to be taken in. The real hay mow kitties don't care because they prefer their spooky realm up the ladder.

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