Thursday, October 18, 2007

Why the Jitters?

I don't ever recall being so nervous about a show before. I am sitting here at my desk with a giant box of clary sage and lavender soap that Kelly wrapped so beautifully for me. You would think the lovely scent would soothe my jittery nerves but no deal. Mia will be on her way from NJ and should arrive around 8. I am going to through everything I can think of in the trailer and get on the road early AM. I'll put prices on in the booth. I just want to get there so I can stop worrying about trailer brake lights, expired registrations, lights and extention cords in the booth, it goes on and on. I will plan my talk on Bluefaced Leicester fiber on the way there. I haven't spoken into a microphone since I went in front of the Morris County Freeholders in NJ to plead with them to stop the deer hunt!

1 comment:

  1. What time is your speech?? Can't wait to see you guys!!!!!!!
    I'm so excited :)


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