Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Too Much Product?

Is there such a thing as too much product? I'm beginning to realize I have more than I can fit in the trailer. I will have almost a thousand bars of soap, 80 jars of hand creme, 20 Bundaflicka Bags, 30 shaving blocks, 30 Mother Fiber Samplers, lots of lamb and kid fleeces, tons of Mother Fiber roving, farm photo notecards (sadly, not from this farm - I didn't order prints in time) and some gorgeous hand spun and hand knit hats from Sockladyspins and Fuzzknitter, online friends of mine. I will have to transport all this to Rhinebeck and spend Friday putting it all together in my booth. Have to get some more shop lights on the way home from work tomorrow. Mia will arrive tomorrow night. She has class in the hospital and can't miss it, ofcourse. Matt is in awful shape after spending two weeks working over his head putting in a ceiling, then putting in the floor of a Florida room for a client. He's an old man doing a young man's job and his body is telling him fahgetaboutit! He's not in the best of moods for loading up to go to a sheep show. Fortunately, I can count on him to take it out on me, then be smiling and joking around my sheep show friends. I would rather have it that way than the opposite. That's just the way it is!


  1. Anonymous8:29 PM

    That Kittie is sooo cute!!! I have a weakness for orange kitties...well and gray ones be frank...a weakness for kitties! cute.

  2. A thousand bars of soap!?! Wow, Maggie, you've been busy!

  3. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Kitties,soap,grumpy and achy spouse and a lovely, nervewracking sheep show. What could be better?!

    Deep breath and I'll see you as soon as I can get there!




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