Saturday, October 06, 2007


Some kitty friends are keeping me company while I sew. It can be "tough love" at times when they decide to climb up my leg...but they are so cute it's hard to resist. I got some more wool dyed last night and today. Rain expected and cooler temperatures coming, so I spun it in the washing machine to get the excess water out and put it out to dry. All day I've had one eye on the sky. I am skirting lamb's wool and kid mohair fleeces to sell raw at my booth. AJ called from Nevada and we had a nice talk. He's getting ready for another MEPS exam for Chaplain Candidate school and is looking for an apt. near Fuller, his seminary in Pasadena, California. Mia is working as an RN in New Jersey and their mother is keeping sheep in New York. We're spread out all over the place.

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