Saturday, October 06, 2007

Keeping Cool Before We Try to Keep Warm

The big pine tree provides shade for the gang. Thunderstorms are coming, and so is winter. I was going through last spring's pictures looking for pictures of Celeste. Everything was so drag in the barn, except for the colorful sweaters on the babies. I have a boxful that are rather small now from shrinkage during washing. Jan and I will undoubtedley be knitting more. No wonder Celeste rejected little Velvet. She was an old lady trying to take care of twins! Funny, in my mind I never thought she was growing old. I had given her up when we moved to yet another rental and Matt made me give away some of my goats. I still have a hard time talking about that period of my life. I was very lucky to get her back when I bought the farm. Stacy Bonus of Lavender Hill Farm was gracious and generous to bring her back to me. I will forever be indebted to her. Celeste was not happy at her farm and would bang her head against the barn all the time. She was happy and contented here, you see she just wanted to come home and be with all her friends. I thought I would get some shots of the beautiful ridge behind the farm...a glorious backdrop for our lives here on the Farm where Celeste spent her last year. I had a phone order today...someone who saw my goods at the Garden State Sheep Breeders show last month. She said she kept thinking about my Mother Fiber and Shepherds Friend Hand Creme. Yes!

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