Sunday, October 14, 2007

Good Night Moon

Good night to the old lady whispering "hush." I made almost a hundred jars of Shepherd's Friend Hand Creme tonight. A gallon of unrefined shea butter, seven pounds of cosmetic grade beeswax, half a gallon each of jojoba and almond oil, 15 ounces of lavender essential oil and lots of vitamin e and borax melted in distilled water. What a beautiful crop of creme. I rub every batch into my hands and arms to check the consistency. I had a pot of red wool cooking and got that washed out. Have to sew the button on the Michele Batie bag I'm bringing to work tomorrow for her birthday. She's the principal's secretary in the Career Academy. The staff pitched in to buy her a bag. It's an adorable little red bag. Can't imagine that I'm spoiling her surprise by talking about it...she's the quintessential city girl and I don't think she would be checking out my farm journal...hope not!

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