Sunday, October 14, 2007

Farm Kitties

Wherever I go on the Farm, inside and out, I have kitties to keep me company. Milk Room kitties, fabric kitties, wool skirting kitties. We took the morning off to go out to breakfast, a low-cost alternative to going out to dinner and farmers are almost always too tired to go out to dinner. After picking up the NY Times at Stewarts in New Berlin (I actually have an easier time finding the Times here in the way-back-yonder than I did living 70 miles west of Manhattan,) we went to Joanie's, a little breakfast nook frequented by locals. Joanie was broken into and robbed last night. They took the empty register and did a lot of damage to the back door. Poor Joanie - she's a nice lady who always has time for small talk with the customers. We went over to the Beaver Den in Brookfield. Good thing I had the newspaper. Jeff makes meals one at a time and there were lots of people ahead of us. I got through the Sunday Styles and the Weekend Review before we were served...and the eggs were so bland I could hardly taste them, even with the "sharp" cheese added (that's what they call cheddar around here). So Maggie has to hustle to make up for lost time today. I have a pot of wool cooking and will be cutting up shaving kits and making creme today, unless I give out from standing on my feet all day. This sudden cold has been making my broken foot, just below the broken leg, just below the trick knee, ache like crazy.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Oh those dear sweet kittie faces! How can you get anything done? I'd have to stop every 2 steps and give each one a smooch!



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