Thursday, September 13, 2007

So Much Going On

I am preparing to leave for the Hemlock Festival while Matt goes south to the Garden State Sheep Breeders Festival in New Jersey. We started splitting my goods into two show's worth, not an easy task. I have to make sure he has signs, tape, scissors, bags, enough wool, yarn, soap, cards, display equipment, on and on. Coming on the heels of the Vermont show last weekend, it's tough. And all the critters need just as much attention, somehow more when they sense something is going on. Nurse Mia is coming to babysit, lovely for them because she will pay more attention to them than even I would and make several hikes up the hill with the band of doggies if I know her. Poor little Holly is spending the night at the vet's office, ready to be spayed tomorrow. She came into heat three weeks ago and although I watched her carefully I think she sneaked out to the White Boys when I didn't know it. Don't want to take any chances with Miss Holly. I want her to keep her girlish figure and I don't need any more puppy mouths to feed. The kitties are getting better after the cold virus made it's way through the feline population here. I carried eye drops with me around the barn and snatched them up for treatment whenever I could catch them. Luckily, no more injections needed - cats are really hard to shoot! I hope the weather holds out for my trip three to four hours west. I don't want to pull the trailer so everything will be in the back of the truck in tubs. I hate setting up and taking down but it has to be done. With all this insanity I still took the dogs up to the pond tonight. It's so beautiful up there, on the brink of fall with a nip in the air. I fear frost is coming and Sister Grace wants me in the garden to pick green tomatoes. I can't help her until next week. We are on a downhill slide to winter. I love cold weather and careful what you wish for!

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