Friday, September 14, 2007

Math Class Blues

My four 10th graders just took their first math quiz amidst grumbles and curses under the breath, sometimes not so under their breath. This lap top is handy, a little too handy, to have in class. I can sneak a blog post in here and there, but no pictures yet. Have to download some pix on it soon. The keys are so sensitive and tiny I keep making typos with my big klutzy fingers. My Swedish Opa had gigantic hands and I think I got big hands from him...along with my big Swedish skull. Little Luke has a big round peasant head, just like his Omi.

Kelly, my friend the special ed. aide, didn't show up for work today. Wait until I get ahold of her. Here I am the one who has to go home, load the truck and do chores, get a couple of hours sleep then drive three hours to the Hemlock Festival, unload and set up, then be happy smiling vendor all day. I would have loved to stay home today, but I just couldn't do it the first full week of school. What if I can't get home on Sunday and have to call in on Monday? Besides, I am used to pushing myself until I am hallucinating with fatigue. My face is beginning to show it. I looked in the mirror last night and what I saw was scary! I am getting OLD before my time. If Matt and Dave Strack ever get their business going I am going to retire from the show circuit and sell fleeces over the internet. But that requires Dave and Jan selling their palace in New Jersey, and the real estate market won't wake up, in all likelihood, for two years. Still can't believe it hasn't sold, it's the perfect yuppie family house, artfully situated on a beautiful culdesac on top of a hill...but no takers, not even lookers. They are practically giving it away and it still doesn't sell. The economy is in bad shape, people are really struggling. My mortgage broker sheep friend Donna Carlstrom told me we are in a recession nobody wants to talk about. She was a top performer at her broker firm now she is working part time at Macy's at night and spinning wool for people every spare minute. After this weekend I should be able to sit and spin a bit (sell the yarn at Rhinebeck) which will relax me. Up until midnight again last night putting together shaving kits. The clove oil soap is terrific, bathed with it this morning. I cooked it just enough so all the scraps melted together, then added just the right amount of clove oil. Very fallish...I escaped into Gretchen's room where she was watching Monty Python with her GED kids. I have one of her students on my list so I was technically "working" but having way too much fun. I forgot how hilarious and entertaining MP is, with the horseless knights and the coconut knaves following along. Off to lunch, the day is going by quickly. Thunderstorms forecast for tonight so I will probably lie down for a couple of hours then drive to Hemlock in the wee hours. Did that once and drove all the way to VMI to attend graduation and pick up Eric. Took 8 hours...three is much more manageable but hard work when I get there. At least I can sit and spin a bit. Jan scolded me once for sitting down too much in the booth. She has no idea...


  1. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Idon't remember scolding you for sitting too much in your booth - but apparently you do and that is what matters. Many apologies, and begging for forgiveness. I know how busy of a teacher/sheperdess/crafter of the most beautiful items I know, you are. May your weekend be wonderful. Keep us all posted!

  2. Anonymous10:17 AM

    It was so nice to meet you on Saturday. You were quite busy, which was a good thing, but I would have loved to have talked for longer. I love the honesty on your blog. Keep it up. I have a husband much like yours so I can really relate. Diane


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