Saturday, August 25, 2007

What A Light Show

I go up the hill at night to drive the sheep and goats back down to the barnyard. I couldn't find my flashlight last night, and realized too late that I had my flip flops on, and wouldn't you know it the sheep didn't cooperate. Almost all the goats had come in and put themselves to bed, but many of the sheep were scattered around chewing on the lush grass. Some were down a little gulley next to the apple orchard. Fortunately the moon is waxing, more than half full, and although there were misty clouds in front of it I had some decent light. Even though I whine and complain about pulling myself up from the easy chair and putting my spinning wheel up on the stool (dogs!)and hiding the fiber (forgot last night and when I came back in French angora was all over the apt.) I love being outside at night. My farm is on a gigantic hill overlooking the flat fields that go down to Beaver Creek across the road. There was a lightning storm going on at the top of the hill, with great flashes of light behind the clouds, while on the botton of the hill behind the barn the moon and stars were out. What a wild, thrilling scene it was. I had to let my eyes adjust to the dark so I could see little groups of sheep. I pound my staff on the ground to get them going when my gentle "Cooooooome Oooooon" doesn't work. At first the pounding worked fine, as they thought something strange was in the grass, but now they are on to me. They moved over a little on the hill and kept on chomping. Wonderful grass here, and the more they poop on this hill the better the grass will be. When you drive sheep, or any other herd animal, you have to get around behind them and start them going, or else you will be driving them away from where you want them to go. Sure I wish I had a Gator, but you know what? I hate anything motorized, and besides, a Gator would not have been able to get down into the gully like I had to do to get them out of the apple orchard. This is when I wish I had a good herding dog...but what I did have with me last night was so cute. Cissy, my tiny little calico kitty with too many toes, and her daughter, Callie, were trotting alongside me. I thought they were just playing, but they followed me all over the hill! It was very unusual behavior for cats, but calicos are very special, talented kitties! I picked them up and loved on them some, put them down thinking they would run back to the barn, but they stayed with me. Finally got them in, secured the gate, and checked out my llamas and white dogs, all under the big pine tree with little Velvet. Her own private body guards. Went I got back inside I realized I was all done in. I like to get so tired I can't stand up any longer before I go to problem last night.


  1. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Those kitties are SO cute!!! Just lounging away...precious!

  2. To darned cute, take lots of kittie pix, pretty soon they will grow up and not give you the time of day. Got the red yarn so back working on hot pinky socks.


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