Friday, August 24, 2007

A Taste of Sweden

I have been looking for a couple of new blogs to follow. Every day I check in with several and am usually disappointed because there is nothing there. Okay, I realize most people have a life and aren't that anxious to share it with the world...but I like sending out these bulletins into space. That way I make sure certain people won't forget about me, and it satisfies the social historian in me to write things down. As I've said before in this journal, I wish my forebears wrote things down. If I came across something that Lydia Burdick wrote about life on this farm two hundred years ago...I would be thrilled beyond belief. But she didn' I am doing it for the person living here 200 years from now, long after I have become fertilizer. There are times when I am frustrated at the lack of response to my posts, but, hey, it is my choice to lay it all out, comments or not. So I look for other bloggers who touch something in me, and who are consistent about posting. SockLadySpins is one of them. This woman is doing incredible things, living in the true way-back-yonder where mail only comes twice a week and there is NO produce in the winter. Reminds me of my "roots" trip to Finland and Sweden, where we ate only potatoes and little fish deep fried whole for six weeks...oh, and VERY hard bread! Anyhoo, I found Ingrid of in Sweden, who is just so entertaining and fortunately, there is an English translation after every paragraph! I can almost hear the sing-songey Swedish accent as I read. She gardens and spins and does all kind of other crafts I have only heard about. Okay, off to make soap. Thank the Goddesses of the Earth my soap is coming out okay. I had thought about not wrapping the bars, and Jan,my wrapper, concurred, but you know what? I love my wrapped bars of soap. Now I have to clean off a drying rack which is covered with #$%^ and drag it into the barn apt. guest room, the only cat and dog free space on this entire farm, other than the grain room. Be strong, Margaret, and just get the job done. Maybe I will find some surprises like I did last night...a basket full of thread! Thread is almost $2.00 a spool and really adds up the way I sew. I have started doing things like sewing multiple pieces together (a quilters trick) to save thread, and cutting the last thread shorter. This sometimes causes the thread to pull out of the needle, very annoying. Very hot today, have to tape the screens. Bad kitties, bad kitties!!! Matt is over at the Long Island guy's place finishing a big job where he will be all weekend. I have too much to keep me busy.

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel about going to read a blog and once again seeing they haven't been updated. I have been lurking on your blog for quite so time now and throughly enjoy it. And I am happy to say you are the most reliable for updated posts. Feel free to check out my blog, it's not as exciting as most and I may not post everyday but i try.
    oh, and keep posting, your blog is great!


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