Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Velvet Keeps Me Company

Little Monkey follows me around wherever I go. She helped me spread out the newly dyed and washed BFL wool. The very greasy tips soaked up the dye better than the shaft of the wool, but then tips are always more porous. The "spruce" angora from yesterday is drying nicely. When angora is wet it is very, very wet and takes a while to dry. This is the perfect weather to do it. This is the first large scale dyeing and washing of fiber I've done on this farm. I'm blessed with terrific water pressure and a gigantic hot water heater that lets me fill up sink after sink for washing and rinsing. AJ and Matt were hauling stuff up here last summer when they stopped at a Lowe's and got the monster for me. Matt said he would not have been able to buy it without AJ to help him carry it. Now I am putting it to good use. I have to go through my stash and find some black mohair to blend with this yarn batch. Mohair is glossy and strong, great for adding to all that very soft angora, BFL wool and merino I'm putting in this yarn. Black mohair and wool will mute the strong colors for a nice effect.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I love it when you get a fleece and you start picking through it and you find very little vegitation. I love the process of washing the fiber and I really love dyeing it. So many possibilities. My problem is that I am not good with color. I just don't have an eye for it. I only know what I like and what looks good to me. Have fun and best wishes for Mia.


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