Wednesday, August 01, 2007

It's Over (or Just Begun, Depending!)

Mia called - she took the nursing board exam and came out laughing. Thank Goodness! This test is sadistically designed to make you crack. Imagine this: the computer decides if you are competent or not and shuts off. That's it. Mia's computer shut off at 75 questions. A friend of hers had the computer go until 256 questions and shut off and she failed! I think I would be screaming, WAIT! WAIT! Give me another chance!! She said some were easy, some she had no idea. They asked about a prostate medication that she just noticed the other day in her father's medicine cabinet - so she knew what it was for! There was a question about using garlic and aspirin at the same time (no good, makes your blood too thin). She had to scan her fingerprint and her ID several times during the test. I remember taking the GRE years ago. I didn't have a picture ID except for an expired township swimming pool pass - which they accepted! Now days, forget it! I was worried that her tummy troubles would kick in (she was diagnosed with Celiac Disease several years ago and can't have any gluten whatsoever.) I have very good feelings about Mia passing. She will know in 30 hours because she took it before noon and paid an extra 10 dollars. Now she is painting her new apartment in Morristown. Wish I could help her, but now I am four hours away and can't leave the critters. Many fleeces to pick, now have a luscious Bluefaced Leicester in the dyepot with good old RIT purple bubbling away. This fleece was putty in my hands, very greasy black tips that washed out almost instantly with simple store brand lemon dishwashing detergent!

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