Sunday, August 26, 2007

Sunday Morning Musings

It's tough work holding that sofa down, but Bodie is the dog for the job. If he gets off, the sofa might fly up in the air and hit the ceiling! Bodie loves his big hunk of cottage cheese (with his aspirin hidden inside), hmmmm, hmmmm. He is getting better every day, but is still lame and I want him to lay low for now. We got caught in a lightning storm last night. We had torrential rain and thunder for a while, but the sun came out and I thought it was okay to go up the hill with the entire entourage (sans Bodie and Matt, both passed out on the sofa). But when we got up top to the pond, another black wave rolled in. There was a ferocious lightning and thunder popping going on right over the barn. I couldn't believe Matt didn't wake up and hear it. I was afraid to go back down the hill, and was more afraid the storm would move a little north where I was sitting down in the wet field with my dogs. The White Boys stuck close to me, probably wondering why their Person was sitting in the grass, something I never do. We waited it out, with thoughts flying through my head the way they do when one thinks they are enjoying their last moments in this earthly realm. I thought the barn would be okay, as Chris Kupris had installed a very costly lightning rod system that runs the entire 240 ft. of the barn. Another reason to buy an old barn. I probably would have saved the 10 K and hoped for the best. But he didn't want lightning to strike and burn down this beautiful barn with 150 cows inside. I was working in a Core Physics class back in NJ and learned a lot about lightning. Mr. Wargo dispelled my life-long belief that sitting in a car saves you from electric shock because of the rubber tires. Wrong! The metal casing around you just sends the juice away from you. Luckily, the storm moved east over the ridge, not north where I was huddled with my dogs. We got up and ran down the hill into the safety of my big strong barn. I made a mental note to ask Matt to check the wires of the lightning rod system, making sure they are going all the way down into the ground, etc.


  1. LOL so it was Bodie who taught Java how to sprawl on a couch :) Was wondering how she learned that trick. Glad to hear you're all okay -we've had some wicked lightning here the last few nights as well -living near the lake it can get quite spectacular. I love sitting out on the back deck and watch the fireworks in the sky.

  2. i never knew that about the car!!! see, that class was worth it!! miss you oxoxo


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