Saturday, August 25, 2007

Bodie on the Mend

Yesterday when we took our nightly walk up the hill to the pond, I noticed Bodie wasn't in the mood to do a lot of water play. I always throw the ball into the pond as soon as we get there (he is waiting for me at the edge of the water) then he brings it to me and I throw it again and again. This time he took the ball out of the other side of the pond and went up into the high grass and ignored me when I called, "Ball here, Bodie." I played with Finn, Knut and Thor a while, Izzy was tootling around, Jasper and Velvet were there. I gave up on Bodie and started back. Bodie came running, anxious to play his other favorite game, throw the ball down the hill. That's how we get home, retrieving all the way down, with Izzy and Holly trying to snatch the ball from Bodie. I threw the ball down a step slope and Bodie took off. Suddenly, he stumbled and fell, turning awkwardly. He rolled down the hill flat out, like kids do for fun, only it looked awful. He came to a stop and I ran down the hill to him. He was trying to get up but his leg stuck out at a weird angle. He fell back down. I thought, oh, no, please - his leg is broken. Bodie didn't move from the spot. I sat down next to him and said, it's okay, Bodie, we'll just sit here for a while until you feel better. My mind was racing, should I run down to the barn and get the 4 wheel drive truck? How could I lift him, he weighs over a hundred pounds? I could get Matt, laid out on the sofa, to help me made a stretcher with a sheet or something, and take him to the vet. After a few minutes of waiting and worrying, Bodie seemed to want to get up. He started limping on three legs, slowly and painfully. We went down the hill to the barn very slowly, me talking to Bodie the whole way. I got him into the apt. and gave him an aspirin in cottage cheese, then felt his leg and shoulder. No wincing, no whining, no dulling of the eyes, no nothing. But Bodie didn't move all night, or all day today. I decided to coax him to get up, to see if the leg was broken so I could get him to the vet if necessary. Bodie got up very shakily, then put some weight on the leg, and walked across the room. I was satisfied the leg wasn't broken, and was greatly relieved! Tonight, Bodie stayed inside when we went up the hill. How I missed him, my big blonde Bodie. Holly swam out to get the ball, then let it float in the water. Face it, Bodie is getting old. I can't send him barreling down the hill any more. I will do a token throw, a few feet, but that's it. Bodie was trying to tell me something when he took the ball away up into the field instead of bringing it to me to throw over and over again. He is almost ten years old and feeling his age. I have to buy him some condroitin and glucosamine. Meanwhile, Bodie is on bed rest.

1 comment:

  1. poor bodie!!!! let me know how he's doing.. you take such good care of him! i am sure that he was scared when his legs gave out!!


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