Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Only Safe Place

My guest room is the only place on the Farm where I can safely dry fiber. The other day this motherlode of dyed angora was blown all over the grass outside. Kitties were having a field day with little tufts of blue bunny hair in their mouths, running around with wild eyes,as if they had captured a soft little creature.
I meticulously gathered it all up, shook out the ground debris, chased the cats down for what I could recover, and brought it inside. The overhead fan gently blows it dry. Matt opened the door this morning to check the guest room for Jan's visit this weekend and had a FIT. WHAT is THIS??? he exclaimed. I promised him it will all be hidden when she comes. Jan is totally understanding about my fiber habit, and enjoys participating in the insanity. I love it when she's like a dear Auntie is arriving with goodies and treats we wouldn't ordinarily enjoy. Where else could she open the front door to find cute little lambs and goat kids staring up into her eyes?

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