Wednesday, August 15, 2007

My First Handspun Sweater

While rummaging around in the giant tractor shed which contains the remnants of my Life Before the Farm, I found my very first handspun sweater. What a treasure. I was afraid I lost it. It must have been spun on the fold from raw Romney fleece, plied with angora. It's rather bulky, with the striations from the naturally colored fleece. I love's like a cherished kindergarten drawing. I wore it to Borders in NJ once and was standing in the coffee line when I heard a voice, "Excuse me, did you spin your sweater?" I was floored, a spinner right here in the book store, who recognized my handspun sweater! We struck up a nice conversation. She was a self taught spinner who didn't realize she could ply two strands together. What a lovely experience. This sweater is so HOT due to the angora content, I could hardly ever wear it. I have a feeling it will come in handy this winter...on Maggie's Farm in Central New York.

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