Sunday, August 12, 2007

On Days Like This...

When it's so bright and hot and sunny like this I dream of the Jersey Shore. I never got there enough while I lived close enough for a day trip there. The men in my life have, for the most part hated the beach. When I met Matt it was a different story. He loves the ocean but sitting on the beach and doing nothing is not his cup of tea. Matt has been a wind surfer most of his life and if he's going to be near an ocean that's what he wants to do. We got to the Sandy Hook State Park a couple of times, a wind surfing mecca of NJ. There was a father and son trying to figure out how to get the board going in the wind. Matt went over to give them a hand. I went back to my book (my favorite shore activity) and looked up a few minutes later to see Matt zooming across the bay headed for Manhattan. It had been a while since he wind surfed and it took him a bit of doing to get back again, but it was wonderful for him. I took him away from all that, and he hasn't complained much. It's all or nothing for him. If he had a board he would have to live near the wind and water. He doesn't have a board, and lives about five hours from the ocean, so it doesn't pull on him. Today I contented myself to sew on bags for my fall shows. Once I get going it's so totally absorbing the time flies by. From time to time I had to take doggies out, check on sheep, etc. My satellite CD stations are amazing and I heard some fantastic music today. I keep thinking about Mia and how I would like to be helping her move into her apartment today. She has lots of help and a terrific roommate who does more than her share. Monika's mother lives an hour away, not four hours away like me, and has been there helping out. I have to be content to wait for pictures and look for fabric for curtains I will make for them. Mia has had three nicely decorated college dorm rooms, all custom designed by Mom. I told her I can't give her a lot of money, but I will make sure she always has new drapes, pillow shams, duvet covers, etc. I did give her a few bags to take to NJ and sell, which she did to enthusiastic co-workers, friends, etc., to cover some of her moving expenses. I'm so lucky she loves my work and is not reluctant to use what her mother makes. She just gave her high school friend, Rachel, who went to LA to work for Teach for America, a Bundaflicka Bag for a bridal shower gift. Many of her high school friends and moms were there and raved about the bag. It made me feel good, even though I couldn't be there I was represented by my handiwork and it made Mia proud.

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