Sunday, August 12, 2007


Checked six blogs tonight, only one was updated since the last time I looked (Greenberry House - my fairy web mother's blog). My kids started blogging a few months back but haven't updated in a month. Granted, most people are not rooted to the homestead the way I am with all these critters, and actually have a life. Speaking of critters. Matt snuck off to bed when I was watching the Princess Diana movie and didn't bring the sheep in (his job). It was kind of fun going up the hill with the flashlight and staff to coax them down into the barnyard where they are much safer. No stars out tonight, no moon. I hated to move them as they were lying all around in their little families here and there. I walk around hitting the ground with the staff and they take off. Must sound like a predator in the grass to them. Cat food out in four different places, take the dogs out for a last pee, then it's my time. Staying up late is a luxury to me and I do it whenever I can. My mother was a real night owl and so was her mother. The few minutes of Elizabethtown with Orlando Bloom and Kirsten Dunst looks interesting, wish I saw the whole thing. Diana movie was okay, a little disappointed. I will never forget when I heard the news about her. I am still in awe of her. The other day I tried to speed read Larry Kings book, "The People's Princess" which included many impressions of Diana from people King interviewed. I almost got through it but got so bleary eyed I had to leave with my venti cappucino in tow. Still miss Hannah and Luke so much it hurts but know they are happiest with their Mommy and Daddy. Luke asked his mother why they couldn't have as many kittens as Omi.

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