Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Hot Today

Have cool morning air blowing in the apt. windows now before the sun moves to the other side of the barn. Matt told me I have to get the kittens moved out of the work room adjacent to the apt. and into the larger part of the barn. When I go back to work the dogs have to live in the work room while I am gone from 8 to 4. Poor doggies will wonder what they have done wrong. We lived together in the RV for almost a year and they are thoroughly enjoying their apt. I had a good sofa for them in the hay mow but Matt didn't move it away from the hay bale drop and the bales ripped the arm off. I was going to try to fix it then looked out the window to see it in flames on the burn pile. Nothing for the doggies to sleep on during the day! They might go into doggie depression. I wish I had a doggie cam to watch them from work, but that might not be such a good idea, either. Might jump in the truck and rush home - bye, bye job! I guess we all have to toughen up and deal with it...seems to be my theme song. Vermont is less than two weeks away and I have to get organized. A new batch of Terri Palmer Sheep Signs came in and they are just adorable. I love the way they look in my booth. Have to build some kind of ladder display device but getting Matt to do it will be the hard part. I am trying to get some fiber dyed and dried in this hot weather so I can drop it off to the mill people at the show. It saves a LOT of money in shipping and they can bring it back to me carded or spun at the next show I go to. Always trying to lower my carbon stamp. I can get lye in the grocery store here. Thought it was off the shelf everywhere so people wouldn't make it into bombs or whatever. I have it in mind to replace the coconut and palm oil with more olive oil in my soap, but I will have to make a test batch and see if it gets hard. Mind is racing...feel a lot of pressure but that's what makes me get the job done. Have lots of bags cut out to sew but better get some soap and other things done first.

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