Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Holly to the Rescue

While Bodie is healing, Holly has taken over the swimming role on our nightly pond walks. At first I thought it was a fluke, but now I realize she is doing it purposely. I throw the ball into the pond, with Bodie standing in the water near the edge. Holly jumps into the water and swims out to the ball, grabs it and brings it back to Bodie. Bodie grabs the ball with his typical big gulp, and lays it at my feet. I throw it again, Holly swims for it, brings it back to Bodie. I am really impressed with Miss Holly, who is so willing to do the hard work but is respectful of Bodie's role as Ball Dog. I told Matt about it and surely thought Holly would not cooperate when I brought him up to the pond to see the routine. Same scenario occurred, Bodie stood in the water by the edge, Holly did all the work, gave Bodie the pleasure of retrieving and giving the ball back to Mom. What an inspiring display of cooperation between pack members. The 8 month old puppy using her youth and abilities to help an old doggie feel part of the game. I'm so pleased with Holly. She's beautiful, kind and sweet.


  1. Anonymous4:45 PM

    That is so cute!

  2. I've never seen a dog do anything like that before! wow...


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