Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Hot and Steamy in Central New York

Heat and humidity are keeping me from maximum productivity here. I had a box of mohair to send out for socks and decided the closet UPS drop off was right next to the Barnes and Noble in New Hartford. Hmmmm, I wonder if settlers headed west from Hartford, Ct., and named the spot where they stopped after the spot they left. One would think they would pick out a new name. Oh, well. I treated myself to a little AC on behalf of B & N. I gathered up a pile of magazines I didn't want to pay $8 apiece for and drank my cappucino in peace. It was wonderful. I allowed myself two magazines to purchase, Quilting Arts and Vanity Fair. It wasn't long before guilt overcame me for having so much fun and I went to Wal-Mart to buy food, human, canine and feline. The lime ice pops made the ride home to the hot barn more bearable. Then I had to pay the piper. Velvet, who I thought I secured in with the other goats, squeezed through two fences and ate Sister Grace's geraniums. Sister Bernadette met me in the driveway with the bad news. AND the dogs ate the second Direct TV remote control. I paid $15 for this one and will have to buy another one now. Oh, joy, manually sifting through 600 channels. No, thanks. Then I dropped a gallon of milk trying to carry in too much at one time. I have to go through three doors and rooms to get to the kitchen until Matt builds another entry door. It's a long haul with anything I bring home. I fluffed up my fiber, got the sheep out, did my fence guarding routine, then took the White Boys and the rest of the dogs up to the pond. Rain was forecast and sure enough, when he hiked back down the rain started. Fine with me, we need cooling off. Can you believed I cooked tonight? What is wrong with me? Matt has me well trained, I guess. Off to do evening chores. Nothing accomplished today in terms of fiber, soap, or bags. I can't afford many days like this or I will have nothing to sell this fall.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:27 PM

    If you ever need something shipped UPS my dad can do it from work, in Norwich. Just let me know! fun times. I love the pictures.


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