Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Buttons on my Mind

Jan and I are thinking about making buttons from creek bed clay. For years when people asked me why I would want to spin yarn from animals that I've raised, when there are so many nice yarns to buy in stores, I would tell them that it's like a potter scraping her clay from the creek beds instead of buying it from the art supply store. They would still look perplexed. Some people still don't get it, like the people who don't know the difference between acrylic and natural fibers. But that's okay...if everyone spun wool spinning wouldn't be so special, would it! Jan might be coming up end of this week and we will put on our boots and see what we can find in the creek, besides snapping turtles. We don't have poisonous snakes here in Central New York but we do have plenty of unpoisonous ones. Gives me the willies when they swim by me!! Jan is a potter and stained glass artist. I've been dragging her into the fiber world by her hair, and it's not showing signs of working for her. I think I better let her stay in her medium - so you will see us with buckets and shovels in Beaver Creek!

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