Thursday, July 26, 2007

Summer Morning

Stayed up to watch Jay Leno with Hannah last night, something I can't do during the school year, as I have to be up early to do chores. Now days the chickens, bunnies, cats and bottle babies have to wait for me to get to them. They are all fat and happy anyway. I still can't get used to waking up in a dedicated bedroom with four walls, a ceiling, dressers and a mirror. I've only had the room for a month but it feels like home. Seems like a million years ago that I was sleeping in that miserable little trailer. Now I don't want to go in it at all. Enough about that...I came out into the living room just in time for Luke to come out of his bedroom and stumble sleepily into my arms. Only three more days with them. What will I do when they leave? Throw myself into my work. The fall shows are the only chance I have to make enough money to buy a tractor. If I had a tractor last summer I would have gotten my own fields mowed and would not have had to spend thousands of dollars for hay last winter. Would have been in this apartment before winter, would not have run up over a thousand dollars in electric bill due to the space heaters, it goes on and on. Woulda, shoulda, coulda. Matt went to work today for the first time in a month. Two days of crown molding in Brookfield, of all places. A guy who grew up here is moving is family back from NYC to have a better life. He is telecommuting and can work from home. Matt says he is dropping a huge amount of $ into his house. Wish there were more people like that in B'field. He starts a bathroom renovation in Sherburne on Saturday. Two other jobs in the works, a house right across the valley, which would be wonderful if the guy decides to spend the money. Matt is honest about what it would take to do the job, and people don't always like to hear the truth about the bottom line. Jan and Dave's house build looms large in the future, but no idea when their NJ palace will sell. In all likelihood I will be the breadwinner this winter. Scary thought...Have to get my fleeces skirted and washed and out to be spun into yarn. I want to drive a truckload of wool to Prince Edward Island to be made into blankets. Winter is coming and I still remember waking up to find my hair frozen to the wall of the trailer. I want a load of blankets ready for me to use and to sell this fall. What a neat Christmas gift for family members. Scratchy wool blankets from Maggie's Farm! If Jan were up here I know she would be game for a road trip to PEI. What fun...

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