Thursday, July 26, 2007

Off to Wal-Mart, Sleepy Morning Musings

Luke wants more Lunchables with Transformer toys in them, so we are off to Wal-Mart. What an awful little toy...they are tiny and fold up so small we are losing them like crazy and finding them chewed up by the dogs. I've got some coffee in me and am on the way to waking up. Used to go on 5 hours sleep no problem, but lately it doesn't work. Hannah hates going to stores, but she just told me she wants to make chocolate chip cookies. We have to go get the ingredients. Wal-Mart is 25 miles from here, but I can do Tractor Supply for bunny food at the same time. I love my little local indy food store, but can't beat the prices at WM. My Economics teacher friend Jeff has me convinced that it is a good thing to shop at WM, but Matt has a fit. Sure, they rip off their employees by not giving them health insurance...but I see a whole lot of people working there who might not get a job anywhere else. They look downright freaky, old and infirm, but they can still say, "Hi, welcome to Wal-Mart, and here's your cart." That can mean a lot to a shut in. Chris Kupris, my neighbor and former owner of this gorgeous farm, now works at WM. He may be cleaning s--- pots, as he calls them, but it gives him a sense of purpose, and he tells me he's had a few marriage proposals from some of those freaky old ladies who can't stand the thought that he's never been married! I can buy Hannah and Luke toys in Wal-Mart to help make the trip home bearable. I can pick up some Starbucks French Roast and grind it on the expresso setting, my favorite. I want to make Anise soap with Hannah when we get back. Laura Brush, the "Other Grandma" loves that scent because they fish on the Chesapeake and Anise supposedley masks the scent of humans. They are going to visit her for another week after their time with me. Maybe the pouring and stirring of soapmaking will be more fun than yesterday's sewing. I want to teach her everything I know, but not be the beastly taskmaster grandmother! I got some incredible pictures of my bags on a beach near Laura's house. You should have seen the canoe, loaded with beautiful tapestry bags, teetering side to side, with me paddling out to look for a sandy barren beach with some driftwood. The pictures are gorgeous, too bad they are obsolete. Don't have any of that fabric anymore, but still want to make a post card to send to customers someday. Barb Taylor is still booked for lessons today, but I got Hannah a lesson for tomorrow and Sunday, when her mommy can watch! I can't wait to show Annie how good Hannah looks on horseback.


  1. Not only does Walmart treat it's employees shabbily, it treats it's suppliers badly as well.

    Suppliers often have to sign contracts saying that their prices will be cheaper next year to maintain a contract with Walmart.

    Often this means that American businesses have to ship their production to China to continually lower their production costs. No production in the US = lots of american jobs lost. Just in case that equation wasn't obvious.

    Americans who want Walmart's cheap prices are only putting themselves out of work. Of course, being out of work means you can't afford to shop anywhere else. It's a vicious cycle.

    Check out this article:

    Break the chains that Walmart is squeezing the economy with - boycott their abusive practices.

  2. I totally agree with you...and I won't make Wal-Mart a regular shopping stop. I did save enough by going there today to buy half a tank of gas for my F150, but once my grandkids go home I will go right back to my little indy market in New Berlin. Some items are a dollar or more higher than Wal-Mart but they carry out my groceries and load them-with a smile!


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