Friday, July 27, 2007

Pinwall Wizard

It's just my favorite Elton John song, after Tiny Dancer...but that's what came to mind when Luke and I played pinball in Maxwell's Ice Cream Shoppe in Hamilton today. Ahhh, Hamilton. Colgate University, and all those yuppie parents and their kids looking the town over. I like the book store, and feel quite at home with all the well-to-do New Jersey parents flashing credit cards and buying $75 sweat shirts. All those pastel cotton Vera Bradley bags (made in China, mind you) make me want to run home and fire up my sewing machine. My bags are definitely reactionary to those soft cotton sissy bags...I like a sturdy bag you can sink a lap top and a few books into, one you can bring to the stable without it showing dirt. But I digress...Luke had an absolute ball, and shrieked with laughter every time a gumball popped out. I got him a bag and he collected quite a few. Good thing I had a fortune in quarters in my rugged, earth-tone tapestry bag!


  1. mommie... isnt pinball wizard by the WHO????.. pinball wizard, there has to be a cure.. a pinball wizard, but such a..... tiny dancer is my favorite elton john song too! miss you guys... oxoxoxo

  2. Very good, Mia! Yes, Pinball Wizard is a Who song...your brother Eric was raised on the rock opera Tommy, which came out when he was two years old. But Elton John sang Pinball Wizard in the movie version of Tommy and it really, really rocks!


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