Friday, July 27, 2007

A Note to Michele with One L

Hi, Michele (nice name!)...yes, I do spin dog hair. Haven't spun anything from Finn, Knut or Thor yet. When I comb them I will certainly save their hair. Once I worked with an English teacher who owned a Samoyed, a very popular dog hair to spin. He brought me a big bag of hair and asked me to spin and knit a set of mittens, hat and scarf for his wife. I mixed it with a little wool, not much, and made the set. It was beautiful, very pearly white and warm. Spinning dog hair is nothing new - Native Americans have been doing it for many, many years. The most interesting dog hair I worked with was Lansdale (sp?) Newfoundland, the black and white one, which I hand carded with grey angora. Whoooo they were nice. I gave them to a boyfriend, who gave them to his landlady, who finally gave them to someone who appreciated them! I'm not anxious to give away such treasures anymore. You just never know...and glory be - I have a picture of the Newfoundland/Angora mittens, complete with bunny donor! Omigosh!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Isn't is great how the yarn blooms after knitting with it. I love knitting items with dog hair.


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