Sunday, July 08, 2007

My Little Monkey Face

I have a little monkey who follows me wherever I go. She waits under the window of my apt. and when she hears my voice she starts calling for me. She wants to come with me all over the farm, and is very adept at scooting through any door I open. I love her blue eyes and soft kid mohair. I would keep her in the apt. but she doesn't tell me when she has to go potty. Her little hoofs sound so cute on the pine floor, like goatie tap dancing. She thinks I am her mother and takes great comfort in being close to me. I still remember the day I found her lying flat on the hay. I mistakenly thought she was a buck kid! What a delight to find out, much later, that she is a She! Kelly and her family were here visiting the farm. I nursed her back to health but Celeste, her mother, wouldn't nurse her any more and gave all her attention to the twin sister. Soooo, little Velvet became mine all mine.

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