Saturday, July 07, 2007

Live Earth a Big Hit

As Live Earth continued I sewed two more cute little snap frame bags. Matt worked on the bedroom floors. What terrific bands. Roger Waters did a couple of songs from The Wall. So very cool...somehow getting old is easier to take knowing we are the same age as those great bands. I watched Live Earth pretty much all day between chores. Unfortunately missed the scientists from Antarctica playing and missed Bon Jovi singing my favorite Dead or Alive. Doggies didn't get their walk up to the pond tonight...hard to explain to them Daddy and I are trying to get in gear to save the planet. Heard from my Fairy Web Mother, Leslie, who is going to redo my web site. I have pictures galore to send her, then she will work her magic and make the site go from fall and winter to spring and summer. Have to pull the males out August 1st to avoid lambing in January. It's too easy to forget how we froze last winter. This year lambing and kidding will be much more under control.

1 comment:

  1. mommie.. those bags are amazing!!!
    cant wait to see you so soon!!!


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