Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hannah Makes Scrambled Eggs

Hannah loves to cook scrambled eggs. That's a real treat for me because I love scrambled eggs and Poppy doesn't cook. I mean, he really doesn't cook. I remember the first time, well into our relationship, that I asked him to make me a cup of tea. A very strange look came over his face, a mixture of perplexity and reluctance. He really had no idea how to go about it, nor was it something he wanted to learn. We could go into a long dissertation on how and why this happened, but it would take pages and pages. I think it had a lot to do with the fact that diners usually have very accomodating and often pretty female waitresses. But anyway, back to eggs and grandkids. We are falling into a nice routine of Luke going out to the chicken room to look for eggs, then Hannah cooking them. Sounds like something that has been going on since the beginning of time...

1 comment:

  1. I love the kittie in the background snooping in someone's shoe. Looks like you're having fun with Hannah and Luke!!! See you soon!


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